‘What a sad state of affairs,’ said Janno. ‘We have committed to spending up to $368 billion on building nuclear-powered submarines over the next three decades. Think of the opportunities we’ll forgo, in terms of education, housing, health etc that could have been done instead. Given the enormity of the decision, was there sufficient debate, both in the parliament and the public, so all were fully aware of the consequences, and therefore able to provide informed feedback before any agreement was finally made? It wasn’t a great example of participative democracy in action, was it?’
Alphy nodded in agreement. He never ceased to be amazed at how the Saps could spend so much of their resources, both intellectual and financial, on militarisation. Even the Saps themselves had previously described their supposedly deterrent strategy as MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. More like SAD thought Alphy, Saps Annihilation Destined.
‘Unfortunately, it’s the very high price we have to pay to ensure we don’t become a Chinese take-away,’ said Johno. ‘Who would’ve predicted even ten years ago that Australia would end up in a tripartite AUKUS agreement with the US and the UK to jointly build defence infrastructure? Unfortunately, we don’t have a great track record in delivering defence projects on time and on budget. The first stage of the agreement is purchasing up to five US Virginia Class submarines. So let’s hope it is indeed Sweet Virginia, and the AUKUS project doesn’t become a CIRCUS - Constantly Incurring Ruinous Costs to… US.’
‘I’m sure it will all turn out perfectly,’ said Alphy with a provocative grin. ‘I can see the future now, the Australian crews on their Virginia class submarines all merrily singing We all live on a mellow submarine…’
‘Or alternatively singing the Split Enz tune, Six months in a Leaky Boat,’ said Janno smiling.
‘Anyway, enough of the subcultural references,’ said Johno. ‘Given this submarine expenditure is all about the defence of Western democracy, wasn’t it uplifting to see democracy in action at the Robo-debt Royal Commission, where the previous Human Services Minister Stuart Roberts admitted under oath that he knowingly made false statements to the Australian public in support of the robo-debt scheme, but said he was obliged to defend it as a Cabinet Minister. As Orwell wrote in his book 1984, “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth.”
'So we now face a double jeopardy. The external threats from increasingly totalitarian and aggressive regimes, plus the internal threat to democracy from political leaders who have no qualms about lying, combined with a worryingly large number of people who aren't concerned with facts or truth. If you believe it to be true, then it is, and if the lies match my reality, even better.
'It’s all a bit depressing, isn’t it? In my darker moments I think of Star Trek and wish I could just say, ‘Scotty, beam me out of here,’ said Johno.
For the briefest of moments, Alphy imagined going back with Johno through the std (space-time discontinuum) portal to AC. ‘But you’d miss the cricket and footy,’ said Alphy, almost half jokingly.
'But I’m sure any advanced civilisation we came across would embrace Cricket,’ said Johno laughing.
'Really – a game played for up to five days that can still end in a draw!’ said Alphy somewhat disingenuously, as much to his surprise, he had learnt to love the sophistication and subtlety of cricket.
©2023 Writing: Robert Stygall Cartoon: Rich Mitchell